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  • ayanchakraborty250

May be, in an early winter.

How difficult it is

to just wake up

in the middle of it all


and lost

without knowing what it takes,

or how it slept lately

in the innocence

of talking.

The commerce

to keep alive, to warm again

before a cold festival of lights.

That sung about returning in glory.

Or sometimes it changes to describe.

The part of moving away in one such trope. May be.

May be it's not just the change

in the flipping months

of wintry skies and the man

and the tilt in the tint of crops and colours.

There's more to performance made after a prep.

They say change is dramatic. Truly.

May be not.

Brittle, as it is, too in all it's strength. A symptom of lost literature.

But from liquid voices to counting days,

to think to change a grip.

I ask you today.

Isn't it quaint, how you and I

bewitch ourselves and

belittle the play

to measure distances out of silence?

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